tangaudimax.eu - Tangaudimax – A Tangerine Dream Project

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TANGAUDIMAX – The Tangerine Dream SoundART Museum is a project by Bianca Froese-Acquaye in loving memory of her husband Edgar Froese (1944-2015) who founded the electronic music group Tangerine Dream in 1967. The museum was supposed to be set up in Berlin in memory of the pioneering work of Tangerine Dream and their role in electronic music history. More information and details will follow together with the simultaneous development of this project.

With the idea of an upcoming museum in mind Bianca Froese-Acquaye invited Melanie Reinisch and Felix Moser to commonly curate the touring exhibition Tangerine Dream: Zeitraffer at the Barbican Centre’s Music Library in London in 2020.

Tangerine Dream: Zeitraffer was intended to run from Thursday 16 January to Saturday 2 May 2020 at the Barbican Music Library. However, due to the pandemic the exhibition had been closed from March 2020 to July 2021. We are glad to finally announce the reopening of the exhibition until 30th September 2021! Free admission.