tamaradancheva.com - Tamara Dancheva Portfolio

Description: Portfolio

Example domain paragraphs

This paper describes the implementation and the experimental results of an approach for dynamic configuration of the number of threads used in the OpenMP environment based on the current state of the runtime at the time of the call. For this purpose a mix of profiling and machine learning techniques are used to make the decision about the number of threads. The decision is made at the time of the call to set the number of threads. The following approach is designed to be cost effective in the scenario of a

Row security with ACL filtering is already implemented in Java spring with the @PostFilter and @PreFilter annotation and the SpEL expression hasPermissoion. However, a need may arise to filter out the columns too as an additional security measure using the available ACL information. Custom advice has to be created in order to integrate them both, because we need access to the permissions of each row, firstly to determine that access to the row is granted, and then to compare the defined requirements for col

Web application developed with ASP.NET, research community where researchers can blog, upload their CV and publications, follow news from feeds in different science area, follow, comment and interact with other researchers and create their custom polls for thier needs that can be taken by both members and non-members if chosen so and review the results.