tallbergeliassonprize.com - Tallberg-SNF-Eliasson Global Leadership Prize

Description: The prize is awarded annually to outstanding leaders who demonstrate the willingness and capacity to address the complexity of 21st-century challenges in innovative, risk-taking, and ethical ways, and whose work is global in aspiration or implication and is rooted in universal values. Prize winners may be nominated by anyone, anywhere and are ultimately selected by a secret ballot of a jury composed of accomplished global leaders.

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The Tällberg Foundation explores the issues that are challenging and changing our societies with the goal of stimulating new thinking for a new world .

We believe that a new kind of leadership is badly needed for our societies to prosper: leadership that is innovative, courageous, dynamic, rooted in universal values and global in implication . In that spirit, we established the Tällberg-SNF-Eliasson Global Leadership Prize. The prize name honors the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, whose support makes it possible, and Jan Eliasson, one of the most accomplished global diplomats of our era. Both SNF and Jan share Tällberg’s deep commitment to encouraging positiv

The Prize is awarded annually to outstanding leaders from any country and any discipline, leaders who not only have a substantial track record of accomplishment, but also who are likely to continue to make extraordinary contributions to human welfare.