- TALKERS magazine - The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Media

Description: The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Media

Example domain paragraphs

SmileyAudioMedia, Inc announces that its three-hour daily talk show, “ Tavis Smiley ,” is launching in national syndication. The program is heard daily on the company’s talk outlet KBLA “Talk 1580 AM” from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and stars company founder Tavis Smiley speaking with newsmakers, influencers, authors, artists, activists and entrepreneurs. The company says Smiley will continue to serve as managing editor of his signature show with SmileyAudioMedia, Inc producing and syndicating the program. The p

By Steve Lapa Lapcom Communications Corp President

No, this isn’t about college football or New Year’s Eve. Wait, maybe it is.