talentperch.com - TalentPerch

Description: TalentPerch is an on-demand, full-cycle solution to your hiring and interview process needs. Built by Brianna Rooney, a veteran founder and advisor in the recruiting industry. She has a team of trained recruiters, coordinators and sourcers available to tackle any level of hiring and process. The TalentPerch team builds and evaluates your interview process, keeps hiring managers on schedules to fill their hiring quotas, builds pipelines, closes candidates and brings your company the right data and analytics

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Missing your hiring goals? Have a frustrated team? Had to let go of your recruiters and now you need your hiring managers to take over?  Your hiring manager needs to be trained! Attracting the best and brightest employees to your company isn’t a one-time-only event, it's a continuous process of networking and building relationships with top talent. It starts within your own organization. The interactions between recruiters and hiring managers can make or break your company's ability to attract and obtain to

Scalable & Flexible to Fit Your Needs

RPO is a Talent Acquisition model that is scalable, flexible, and manages the entire recruiting function. A true RPO takes care of the people, process, technology, and strategy of recruiting. That means doing everything from writing job descriptions and candidate screening to improving hiring manager satisfaction and employee branding. RPO's view their relationships with clients as a long-term, strategic partnerships with built-in accountability to ensure a consistent talent pipeline. Working with an RPO do