takethedayoff.net - …take the day off | Sometimes I write blog posts. Occasionally my mom even emails them to her garden club. They're that good.

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Here is what the girls and I have been reading lately.  Away we go!

Counting the Cost by Jill Duggar Dillard

Jill is #4 of Jim Bob and Michelle Dugger’s 19 kids…and counting.  Still counting because neither Jim Bob nor Michelle has been spayed or neutered and children are, of course, a blessing.  Jill’s book is the second book written by an adult Duggar child.  I read child #5 Jinger’s book Becoming Free Indeed earlier this year and just finished Jill’s book.  Jinger’s book was 30% about the damage done by the IBLP cult that she was brought up in, and 70% about her faith journey of untangling. Untangling from the