takepoint-22.com - Take Point 22 Radio Show - TRIM Radio Network

Description: Every Tuesday night at 8:00 ET, join Michael Bahas and the Rapid Response Team alongside experts, survivors, and listeners. Call in phone (803) 866-1667

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Every other Tuesday night 8:00 join Michael Bahas and the Rapid Response Team for valuable information regarding Veteran’s  and first responders support with physical, emotional, and mental recovery.  Each week Bahas brings on experts and actual survivors to aide in support and inspiration for those who are in need at this moment.  

The Rapid Response Team made up of 5 support members across the US are available to answer questions and guide anyone who needs local support for recovery of any kind.  The Rapid Response Team works with a variety of national agencies that can be of assistance for anything from substance abuse, homelessness, and emotional recovery.  Don’t be the next statistic, let the Take Point 22 Rapid Response Team assist you in a fulfilling life for years to come.

God loves everyone and like God, we want to support you and lead you to a better decision. Don’t take your life or another, call the national prevention lines below 

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