tailsoffaithandlove.com - Tails of Faith and Love | Quran teacher, Certified Health Education Specialist, and seminary graduate riding a 17.2h Off-Track T

Description: Quran teacher, Certified Health Education Specialist, and seminary graduate riding a 17.2h Off-Track Thoroughbred. Sailing the seas of middle age on the ship of faith.

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Part of a series on common pitfalls of converts . See Part 1 Here: One Right Way Syndrome

Our newfound passion for Islam can lead us to make sweeping changes and adopt strict practices, including ones not commonly practiced by most “born-Muslims.”  In the beginning this “going hard*” can feel SO GOOD.  In our great love and enthusiasm for Islam, we want to do everything at once, implement every rule, try every practice, and dive head first into being what I call (a la Nestle) The Very Best Muslim. 

The problem is that “going hard” can result in burnout, disillusionment and alienation.