taigongwang.net - International Students Portal Site - taigongwang.net.

Description: Portal site for the international student who learns in Japan. Information services to a foreign student. ‘International students Plaza’ can be utilized by exchanging helpful information of financial support and acceptance from various companies as well as Japanese culture and customs. Furthermore, ‘Environmental issues and/or technologies’ are included.

international student support (2) foreign student portal site (1) collection of links for foreign student's (1) foreign student support (1) international student intercommunication (1) international students plaza (1) environmental issues and/or technologies (1) sayings of the great men (1)

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‘The international students will create Asian future’. Under the above slogan, this web site has been opened and supervised for international students in Japan since 2005.

‘International students Plaza’ locating at the center of this site, can be utilized by exchanging helpful information of financial support and acceptance from various companies as well as Japanese culture and customs. Furthermore, must-see contents of ‘Sayings of the great men’ and ‘Environmental issues and/or technologies’ are included.