- S _ Z – Art, Cinema, Thought _ Japan, France, China

Description: Art, Cinema, Thought _ Japan, France, China

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Art, Cinema, Thought _ Japan, France, China

News Dances for Camera: Merce Cunningham, Nam June Paik, John Sanborn Videoformes 2021 Edi Dubien on France 2 Petri Dish Gary Hill, Nam June Paik, and Peter Doig coming Korea. Feb 20-22, 2020 A Different History of the Body in Japan Paris + LE CINÉMA EN MOUVEMENTS DEPUIS LA NOUVELLE VAGUE Curating Group Exhibition: 郊游/野遊び/An Outing Rooms to Breathe 呼吸の部屋 THESE WAYS NORTH: TOMOKO KONOIKE u0026amp; EIKO SOGA She Ate the Crumbs: The Other Nature of Women She Ate the Crumbs: Post-Exhibition Questions 満天星: You M

by Michael Berry, Duke University Press, 2022