- Conference | So You Think You're Ready Conference

Description: So You Think You're Ready (SYTYR) was created to help kids deal with problems. We often tell kids what not to do, let’s teach them how to make choices under pressure. By discussing sex, depression, friendship, dating, and family drama, our teenagers learn with real-life with biblical solutions.

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The So You Think You're Ready Youth Conference (SYTYR) was founded in 2010 by Dr. Kevin B. Lee, also known as PK.  PK and a group of committed adult workers desired to address the problems youth were facing sexually and emotionally.  The goal was, during the month of February (The Love Month), invite youth to a two day conference to engage teenagers with classes/information that addressed their sexual and emotional needs.

The purpose of the SYTYR Conference is:

To holistically address the emotional, mental and physical  and spiritual challenges of teenagers