- Systemic Constellations |

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Systemic Constellations offer a soulful way of illuminating pressing personal, professional and organisational issues. This site simply offers a number of links to constellation practitioners in the UK and associations across the world, as well as the originator of this way of working.

Coaching Constellations is a training company designed to support the application of systemic constellations in coaching for individuals, leaders and teams. On the site you will find trainings at every level as well as information designed to support your journey into systemic coaching with constellations, in service of organisational health and vitality. Coaching Constellations Website Business Constellations Our workshops offer executives, leaders, owners and teams the opportunity to bring their challengi

Constellation Workshops provide an opportunity to explore and illuminate the dynamics behind personal difficulties in a fresh way. A constellation creates a kind of living map of a personal, family or other relational issue and provides a new perspective on complex, enduring or apparently intractable challenges. Articles and workshops with John Whittington.