- Control Stress with Certified XPT Coach Taylor Somerville

Description: At Symmetry, we are here to guide you with proven methods that will teach you how to respond instead of reacting in stressful situations. We achieve this through breath work, heat and ice contrast therapy, and more. We believe you have the power to improve your health and overall performance. We will show you principles and methods to help you along your journey to becoming your best self.

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Most of us describe ourselves as doing “fine”. FINE = Frustrated, Insecure, Neurotic, and Exhausted. Moving from “fine” to “thriving” requires sustained changes, and change can be intimidating. But if you make the right changes, start small, track your progress, and have some accountability through coaching, you will no longer be stuck in comfortable misery. Symmetry uses 6 foundational principles to help you thrive: Breath, Mindset, Nutrition, Movement, Recovery, and Relationships. Now is the time to take

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Taylor Somerville founded Symmetry in 2018 after working in the investment business for 15 years. Taylor was over-stressed, anxious, short-tempered, and felt like he was out of control. Taylor discovered breathwork and other key practices as a way to deal with the stress and anxiety in his personal and professional life. Through breathwork, Taylor was able to learn how to respond to stressful situations in a productive manner rather than reacting.

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