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If you are thinking of using steroids, you are probably going to find anavar an interesting addition to your set of steroids. As a mild anabolic steroid, anavar should be taken in smaller dosages of up to a maximum of 20mgs. If you have been struggling with excess weight, anavar will be the right option since it is known as the best cutting steroid for both men and women. Anavar is also known as Oxandrin. For many athletes and bodybuilders as the best steroid for boosting strength and high quality muscle. A

It is derived from Dihydrotestosterone. This steroid does not aromatize and the fact that it can be utilized to offset the protein deficit created through catabolism as a result of prolonged use of corticosteroids. It can also be used to assist patients who have challenges of adding up weight. Although anavar is a mild steroid, it does not have serious side effects. However, excessive misuse of this steroids can can cause serious health complications. This is because excessive dosage lead to conversion of t

When taken under appropriate prescription, with the right motive and consistent diet and exercises, Anavar can lead to amazing outcomes in a very short time. Anavar can be used both as a cutting and bulking supplement. This means that the product can cause daramatic changes on a user’s body. To have even better results, users looking to bulk can observe the following tips: