- Svebor KARAMAN - Computer Vision and Machine Learning Researcher

Description: Computer Vision and Machine Learning Researcher

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I am a French Computer Vision and Machine Learning researcher, currently a  Research Manager at Dataminr . Previously, I spent three years as a PostDoc at the MICC (Media Integration and Communication Center) of the University of Florence in Italy, and five years as an Associate Research Scientist in the DVMM Lab at Columbia University.

My research themes are image and video analysis, computer vision, and machine learning. I am particularly interested in semantic concept recognition in images and videos.

I did my Ph.D. at the LaBRI – University of Bordeaux, under the supervision of Jenny Benois-Pineau and Rémi Mégret. During my Ph.D. thesis , I worked on human activity recognition by Hidden Markov Models (HMM) in videos recorded from a wearable device within the IMMED project . I have also developed an object recognition approach in the Bag-of-Visual-Words framework which integrates spatial information within semi-local features: the Graph-Words. I defended my Ph.D. entitled “ Indexing of Activities in Wear

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