- Suzé Gilbert | art. photography. digital. everything in between

Description: art. photography. digital. everything in between

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The first time I visited NYC was in November 2001. The city was still grieving, and the dust in the air was so acrid it burned one’s throat. Trinity Church was covered with fliers begging onlookers to call a number if they had seen the face on the flier. The South Tower was partially erect like a broken skeletal remain. The pervasive sadness and sense of loss was palpable, but the pulse of that magnificent city prevailed. There was a unity in visiting NYC and paying one’s respect, not only to the still-smok

But today, I’m just remembering that terrifying day and all of the courageous souls that lost their lives in such a horrific way. May they rest in peace.

Have you ever wanted to combine a collage of photos and upload them onto your blog or print them out? Storyboards are essentially photo collages. When I had my photography business, clients always wanted to purchase them as they are visually appealing. They are becoming more prevalent on blogs as you can add a lot of photos to a “board.” I like using them on a blog as it makes the blog space clean and uncluttered. You can make them in Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop Elements, or any version of Photoshop. You can