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Historical Novels  written by East Anglian Author Pauline Sabin Moore Anglo Saxon fiction for lovers of historical novels

‘STORM FROST’ is based on Anglo-Saxon poems, apparently telling the earliest love-story in English. Here is love, lust, betrayal, courage and fear. It is the story of Niartha, outcast from her people, encountering hardship, abuse and loss in her search for her exiled lover. He is Eni Wulfgrim, brother of Raedwald who will become King of the Eastern Angles at Sutton Hoo, and who is also involved in the story. We meet Eadwacer, the king’s messenger –an increasingly sinister character.

Review: A brilliantly written love-story – I couldn’t put it down. The author takes you on a journey through love, deceit, exile and discovery, whilst maintaining the historical content, which is obviously accurately researched.