- SDRC – Sustainable Disaster Response Council

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Because the money we spend on disaster response and property restoration should be an investment in a stronger, safer, healthier, more energy efficient and environmentally responsible future. Each year U.S. property owners face billions of dollars in damages – from localized fire and water damage, to large-scale natural disasters. It all adds up to a staggering cost. But each loss, small or large, is also an opportunity restore and rebuild properties in a way that is better for public health and safety, our

In the US, buildings account for about 40% of energy and raw materials use, 12% of water use, and 30% of GHG emissions and waste output. Rebuilding sustainably is an opportunity to bring these numbers way down, while diverting construction and demolition waste from landfills and reducing the growing environmental footprint of natural disasters.

The average american spends 90% of their time indoors, and 26% of their budget on housing (including utilities and property insurance). And every taxpayer is footing the bill for federal disaster relief, to the tune of $136 billion – or $400 per household annually – from 2011-2013. For the public good, we should take every opportunity to rebuild more sustainable homes, offices, schools and businesses.