- Sussan Kaye | Observations on Life

Description: Observations on Life

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My husband and I are selling our house after 22 years. The house has been good to us, a tranquil space close to friends, surrounded by green forest, containing critters to keep us amused . . . and sometimes anxious. Think snakes in the crawlspace. We have been good to the house in return–fixing it up to bring out the beauty of the over-sized rooms, high ceilings, beams and lots of light.

We decided to have a moving sale to get rid of stuff that won’t fit into our smaller place. My husband has a birdcage. This cage has followed us from marriage through moves to Ohio and then to Georgia. The cage is over-sized and made of wood, the old-fashioned kind. It’s not in the best of shape–two of the small slats are broken, and the door is stuck open. During set up for the sale, he placed it on top of a shelving unit and put a sold sign on it.

Now I’ve wondered about this cage and often thought, “There’s that birdcage. We haven’t gotten rid of it yet?”