- Susan Schwartz PhD – Jungian Analyst

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The Absent Father Effect on Daughters investigates the impact of absent – physically or emotionally – and inadequate fathers on the lives and psyches of their daughters through the perspective of Jungian analytical psychology. This book tells the stories of daughters who describe the insecurity of self, the splintering and disintegration of the personality, and the silencing of voice.

Susan E. Schwartz, Ph.D. is a Jungian analyst educated in Zurich, Switzerland and is a licensed clinical psychologist. For many years Susan has been giving workshops and presentations at numerous local, national, community and professional organizations, and lectures worldwide on various aspects of Jungian analytical psychology. She has written several journal articles and book chapters on daughters and fathers, Puella, Sylvia Plath and has co-authored a couple of books.

She is a member of the International Association of Analytical Psychology, New Mexico Society of Jungian Analysts and the American Psychological Association. Susan maintains a private practice in Paradise Valley, Arizona serving people in the greater Phoenix area, Tuscon, Prescott and Cottonwood, West Valley, Scottsdale and Tempe.