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This website is meant for intelligent people who want to understand our reality. From 2007 - 2014, the focus was on the new phenomenon of space weather and how it relates to the evolution of consciousness and rapid evolutionary change. Hence, I provided the standard science and metaphysics of why the citizens of planet Earth have entered a New World Age dominated by aether or space. In October 2020, after an approximate 6 year gap, work resumed on this website and the focus of this website changed.

It has become apparent to many including myself, that institutions like NASA were created to mislead the masses and our education system perpetuates satanic lies concerning many subjects, but particularly science and history. Based on what I now know, some concepts related to my understanding of the science of space weather need revision. Hence, I would like to hightlight the following: World controllers are under a universal law to tell us the truth. Hence the existence of The United Nations and their agen