Example domain paragraphs

In the era of Comrade George Jackson, the Prison industrial slave complex was able to exercise overt forms of colonial violence and extreme counter revolutionary terrorist tactics to “neutralize” Our captive political prisoners, as they were operating at the direction of j. edgar hoover on behalf of the fbi’s COINTELPRO.  In this day and age they are forced to somewhat engage in a more covert practice thru the implementation of the extremist, revolutionary, terrorist, and subversive activities in Penal Inst

To learn more about PLM's campaign to Liberate Our Elders explore our compilation of current writings/campaigns by/about Our Elders facing medical neglect

“No one will undertake to aid us unless they sense the power of our movement. It is Blacks who must play not only the role of liberating the Black colony, but also the leading role in the liberation of the whole city/state. To expect that someone else will take the full responsibility for our own liberation is suicide.” George Jackson in Blood in My Eye