- SuperiorFireStoppingNYC | SuperiorFireStoppingNYC

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SFI is a local professional installer of firestopping systems in the NYC area. We work directly with property owners and managers, developers, general and mechanical contractors to support them in the process of satisfying building code requirements and ensuring the safety of their properties and occupants. Our team is fully trained and experienced in applying and maintaining firestop systems. We can assist you to streamline the process of selecting and installing the appropriate firestop system materials a

Proper pipe insulation, meaning one that meets certain fire rating requirements, can help prevent the spread of fire and smoke though pipes, which can be a common route for fire to travel between floors and rooms in the building, therefore being and important component of an efficient firestopping system.

Supplementary to firestopping services, SFI can install insulation for building plumbing and mechanical systems to improve the process of fire safety compliance.