- Super Hero Boy

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What are Gnoments? Gnoments are an adorable tech friendly relationship building tool! Ever since I started accepting review requests again for this blog I wanted to focus very heavily on tech and geek sector items. I actually made a joke to my partner when the review request for Gnoments hit my email box comparing them to the "elf on the shelf" of romance. Once they arrived however we realized they were so much more! Gnoments are a set of two plush gnomes. There is a boy and girl gnome both weighted so they

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PET PARENTS LOVE TO INCLUDE THEIR DOGS ON HALLOWEEN 44% of NY pet parents have dressed their dog in costume versus 28% of California pet parents 38% of NY pet parents have greeted trick-or-treaters with their dog while 18% of pet parents in California have 18% of Texas pet parents have given their dog extra treats for Halloween and 16% have taken their dog trick-or-treating.   DIFFERENT TREATS FOR DIFFERENT BREEDS Big dogs like Dobermans and Great Danes prefer “real meat treats”, while most small ones (Pome