- Sugilite –

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Luck, Magic, Mystery, Rarity

The wonders of the world are spectacular - the gemstones that come from it are nothing less. This site is dedicated to the information and history of one of the more elusive gemstones: sugilite. Sugilite is a gemstone like no other that comes in vibrant pinks too deep rich purples. The information contained here is not like any archive before. We will debunk and shed light onto many aspects off the gemstone. Sugilite is little know gemstone that has been shrouded in secrecy for the purpose of financial gain

Sugilite is most well-known for the purple stone rich and colored coming from the deserts of South Africa. Small amounts of sugilite have been found in trace deposit to minerals in different localities around the world however the only real deposit of purple sugilite comes from the manganese fields of South Africa near Kurman and Hotazel. The history surrounding sugilite is a rabbit hole, this site hopes to open up some of those hidden crevices to the world and reveal as much information as possible.