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TrueBridge The Forbes Next Billion-Dollar Startups Deadline: CLOSED Published: AUGUST 2023 Application Open Spring 2024 Methodology Since 2015, the annual Forbes Next Billion-Dollar Startups, produced in partnership with TrueBridge Capital Partners, seeks to identify the top 25 next-generation technology or tech-enabled companies most likely to achieve unicorn status based on current financial and growth metrics.

Qualifications Companies must be based in the United States, private and venture-backed with a valuation of less than $1 billion, and must submit an application to be considered. graph Data We use submissions from companies and venture capitalists, as well as limited third-party data and historical lists, to form a comprehensive set of data points for the Next Billion-Dollar Startups model and analysis. award Analysis We calculate a company’s eligibility based on numerous factors including valuation and rev

All information shared in submissions is secure and completely confidential. Data is submitted directly to TrueBridge in order to allow a third party to receive and analyze the data on behalf of Forbes. We understand how critically important and sensitive this data is, and have measures in place to ensure its security and confidentiality. We do not share any data with any parties (even Forbes) without your explicit consent.