- Antica Trattoria Suban

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Starters First courses Second courses Desserts Our wines A great variety of wines and liquors, in particular local, regional and Slovenian wines. It is possibile to buy our wines with their technical characteristics and recommendations for food pairing and serving. It is possible to create gift boxes.

In 1865 Giovanni Suban tried his luck playing the Austrian lottery and hit the jackpot with his five-number combination. He used the money to lay the foundation stone for his restaurant, the “Antica Trattoria Suban”. Four generations put all their efforts into carrying on the culinary tradition of Trieste, characterized by its unique mix of different people, religions and cultures. The trattoria is in the San Giovanni district, once a key area for trade between Trieste and the Karst plateau. Francesco, Giov

Guestbook Prizes, awards and special events Press review Our premises Antica Trattoria Suban via E. Comici 2 - 34128 - Trieste