- Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft

Example domain paragraphs

Upcoming events: 73. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft (StuTS) , Frankfurt, May 25th – 29th 2023 Linguistics Prague 2023 , June 22nd – 24th 2023 TACOS , Düsseldorf, June 29th – July 02nd 2023 74. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft (StuTS), Vienna, October 26th – 29th 2023 The StuTS on Discord:   const container = document.querySelector("#countdown-container"); const deadline = new Date(2019, 5, 4, 18, 0); setInterval(() => { const now = new Date(); let remainingTime = Mat

The StuTS’s goal is to offer students of all linguistic subjects an opportunity to get to know one another and to exchange opinions.

While participants have to pay for the journey themselves, they are traditionally provided with accommodation — either in hostels or gyms or at local students’ places. Usually breakfast and lunch are included in the fee.