- StuHelper

Description: Beat recruiting algorithms in Germany and start your career today. Most resumes must pass through an automated test – based on AI or RPA – before humans ever see them. We can help you jump the hurdle. get in touch Photo by fauxels on Services AI & ATS Friendly CV builder Many online tools…

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Most resumes must pass through an automated test – based on AI or RPA – before humans ever see them. We can help you jump the hurdle.

Many online tools provide CVs that might have a good structure with accurate information but don’t contain the essential elements for getting AI(Artificial Intelligence) or ATS(Application Tracking System) to like your C.V and hand it over for human review. That’s where we sharpen the pencil with our tools that create an AI and ATS friendly CV.

Politely written online cover letter templates won’t get you past the AI(Artificial Intelligence) and ATS(Application Tracking System) wall in Germany. There are essential parts to a CV that help move your application past an ATS. Our tools add these AI and ATS friendly parts so that your cover letter gets you to the human review step and then the interview.