- Kevin Kwong

Example domain paragraphs

I was one of two in-house, product illustrators embedded in Design Systems at Lyft. This page is currently under construction, as I’m working on a case study to properly capture my recent work. If you’d like to get a sense of the illustration style and projects I worked on, please take a look at the Lyft app for now.

I conceptualized, illustrated, researched, and expanded every aspect of the 2D Avatars design system, as well as its integration into various other Facebook App products (Messenger and Newsfeed), while considering the experiences of 3 billion potential users. Additionally, I created 2D orthographics of Avatar designs to be rendered in 3D and helped oversee their direct translations into the Metaverse. This involved making concept art including callouts for 3D artists.

After moving beyond Avatars into the Visual Systems Expressions team, my role expanded to include art direction for creative vendors, illustration of cultural moments, and providing guidance to other in-house artists.