- Studentkåren i Skövde – Av studenter, för studenter

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The student union in Skövde is here for you as a student at the University of Skövde! Your membership strengthens the voice of the students. Moreover, you gain access to amazing discounts and offers exclusive to members.

The student union at the University is actively engaged in decision-making processes and represents the students in various committees. They review and approve course plans to incorporate a student perspective and assist individual students with issues related to their education, specific courses, or teachers. The student union is also represented in the disciplinary board, which handles cases of academic misconduct.

At the beginning of each semester, the student union organizes introduction and orientation activities with the help of mentors/facilitators. They strive to improve the study environment by conducting safety inspections, working on the social aspects of studying, promoting gender equality, and combating discrimination. Students are encouraged to reach out to the union’s chairman with any questions, suggestions, or contributions to enhance the student experience.

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