- Straus Strategic Communications

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Jillian Straus, a former producer for  The Oprah Winfrey Show  and ABC News, founded Straus Strategic Communications in 2010. Clients include some of the world’s most prominent CEOs, Fortune 500 executives, startup founders, professional athletes, A-list celebrities, supermodels, best-selling authors and more.

—Candi Carter, Executive Producer, The View     Select Clients     View our Clients Unsurpassed Expertise  Straus Strategic Communications has extensive global news and entertainment broadcast experience both in front of the camera and behind the scenes—producing television, coaching talent and writing speeches for the world's top executives.

Media trainings focus on honing both content and delivery. On-camera work covers everything from improving physical presentation and body language to answering difficult questions. Whether your media appearance will be in a studio or on Zoom, you will be fully prepared. Media strategy and pitching includes pitch-writing workshops and corporate-message development for PR or crisis communications.