- Stop Racism - the best place to learn how to stop racism

Description: Inform, involve and inspire to end individual, systemic and organized racism.

Example domain paragraphs

Hate groups are growing in size and number throughout Canada as they are in the United States and Western and Eastern Europe. But there is a failure to understand and address this growing problem in Canada. Members of the most violent and extreme groups are easy to recognize. When these groups parade with nazi flags and bear signs advocating violence against immigrants, their motives are hard to misinterpret. But equally extreme groups have learned to blend with the mainstream. They meet in libraries and un

Recent state sponsored research addresses fascism as just another type of “extremism.” In this mindset, or ideology, fascism is equivalent to progressive protests against racists, or as Trump would have it - there's good on both sides! This view has resulted in a total failure to understand and address the rise of racism and hate as a social movement, on the one hand, and to develop methods of preventing the growth of fascism and fascist ideology, on the other.

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