- Stop Distracted Drivers

Example domain paragraphs

Distracted driving is quickly becoming an epidemic in America. The habit   kills nine people every day , and injures hundreds of thousands more each year. If that’s not enough to demonstrate to you that distracted driving is sweeping the nation as a deadly practice, consider these startling statistics:

There are three types of distractions that can affect drivers   and put them, their passengers and drivers who are sharing the road with them in danger:

Distracted driving doesn’t just involve phone-addicted teenagers – it’s a problem for everyone. Talking on the phone, sending a quick text, finding directions to a restaurant or applying one last dollop of makeup are all examples of distracted driving that most of us have been guilty of at one point or another. Texting is an especially dangerous behind-the-wheel task because it involves all three types of distractions, so that quick text you’re sending isn’t so harmless after all.