- | An economy of words

Example domain paragraphs

I’ve been posting under the nom de plume “Stone Table” for the better part of fifteen years. As my writing career begins to bloom thanks to the 501words blog I’ve realized that a more professional web presence would be prudent. Not that I have a problem with my moniker but having to introduce myself as an inanimate object at conventions in order to be recognized as that guy from the Internet is kind of awkward and not the kind of impression I want to leave with people. More so when you want to be recognized

From this point forward, I will be blogging under my own name. The domain will remain online for archival purposes and I will be phasing out my other uses of my nickname. Change is always uncertain but I’m excited by what’s to come.

Today is a travel day for me. While I brave the winter storms and make my way to California for business meetings and a Christmas party, enjoy this beautiful song I discovered just a few days ago.