- StoM

Example domain paragraphs

s toM builds on top of the research results of a previous Research for SME project called SEMLIB that produced two software components: a semantic annotation system and a semantic recommendation engine. These solutions improve

searching and web browsing of digital archives. In practice, SEMLIB the research results will be integrated into two software-as-a-service platforms: EventPlace and PunditBrain. The two cloud services have radically different target users and business models, however they will both use the SEMLIB results as their core building blocks.

Click on the links to download the final official press releases for Pundit and EventPlace . Click here to download the first official press release of the project. For information on the project please contact karolina .dot. kosminska .at.  techin .dot.  pl and c  .dot.  fregonese  .at.  innova-eu  .dot.  net