- St Nicholas Church

Description: St Nicholas, Sighthill Parish Church is sited at the west side of Edinburgh at the heart of three communities, Parkhead, Sighthill and the Calders.

edinburgh (1851) children's church (57) church of scotland (47) st nicholas (18) parkhead (4) st nicholas church (4) sighthill (3) calders (3)

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St Nicholas, Sighthill Parish Church  is sited, at the west side of Edinburgh, at the junction of Wester Hailes Road and Calder Road, at the heart of three communities: Parkhead, Sighthill and the Calders. Location

We are a Church of Scotland congregation and our Parish includes, Blenham House Care Home , Edinburgh College and Sighthill Industrial Estate. Our church is known locally as the Children's Church.

We are seeking ways to reach and share the gospel within this ever changing neighbourhood, in Sighthill, Parkhead & the Calders. We are looking to provide contact for the vulnerable, community for the lonely and newcomers, support for the young family, and a place of opportunity and service for those willing to get involved in Christ's mission.