- | Find St. Louis Jobs That Pay Well Without a Degree

Description: is your source for learning all about great jobs that pay well without a degree & the resources in St. Louis that can help you get them!

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Don’t just dream of finding a job you love—make it happen! Take our short assessment to find out which path may be the perfect fit for you.

Are you ready to find your purpose? To take what you’re good at—what matters to you, what interests you, what you enjoy—and apply it towards a great job that makes you excited to do what you do everyday? You’re in the right place. is your resource for learning about all the benefits of skilled careers (aka jobs that don’t require a Bachelor’s degree), the different paths available to you, and the resources in our city that can help you gain the skills you need to get a job that you’ll love.

If spending 4+ years and thousands of dollars on an expensive degree that doesn’t   guarantee you a job doesn’t sound right for your future, you’re not alone. Whether you’re interested in accelerating your journey to a successful career after high school, ready to explore the possibilities of changing your career, or looking to educate your child or students on the different pathways available to them, our roadmaps have everything you need to get started.