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Description: The official website of Stevie Pearl. Singer, songwriter, international superstar and award winning artist. Latest news, merchandise, tour dates, and headquarters of the Pearl Party Crashers.

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A Message For Fans Read More Pearl Party Crashers Sign Up Now! All Concerts & Events Postponed More Info Stevie appreciates your love and support. Thank you for understanding and respecting her privacy during this difficult time. Kismet Records THANK YOU, WORLD TOUR! xOxO stvprl Stevie Pearl ● Artist of the Decade

You hear me on the radio. See me in magazines. I’ve even been on TV a few times. Besides that, we’re not that much different. Well, that’s presumptuous of me… I like to think I’m just like any girl, but that’s not true. I’m really fortunate. I have a mom and dad who love me—support me, sacrificed for me. I have a little brother that I love. Before my fame, my family was never rich—but I’ve also never been hungry. I was able to go to school. I was told that I was special and I was encouraged to pursue the th

I say that because I know not everyone grew up that way. For me to say that I’m just like you diminishes your own special story—the hardships you’ve faced, the happiness you’ve shared with those you love, and the sad moments all by yourself. I’ll never pretend to know how you feel, but having these emotions is what has connected us.

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