- Tech Workshops by Steve M. Potter, PhD – CNC woodworking, electronics, neurohacking and more!

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I teach hands-on maker workshops across Ireland. I can get you started with computer-aided design using Fusion360 (which is free for makers) or VcarvePro. I teach computer-numerical control (CNC) carving of wood and plastic with my home-built portable MPCNC or a portable Handibot . I also teach soldering, electronics and coding for Arduino projects. And how to repair or repurpose all sorts of things. Let me know what you would like to make! If you have a makerspace, meeting hall or another venue that you th

I have written how-to guides for some of my maker projects on I have lots more projects that I documented with photos but have not had a chance to write up yet. I have posted some of those here on this site. Click here to see my Instructables portfolio.

I teach hands-on maker workshops across Ireland. I can get you started with computer-aided design using Fusion360 or VcarvePro. I teach computer-numerical control (CNC) carving of wood and plastic with my home-built portable MPCNC  and my portable Handibot. I also teach soldering, electronics and coding for Arduino & ESP32 projects. And how to repair or repurpose all sorts of things. Let me know what you would like to make! If you have a makerspace, meeting hall or another venue that you think would work fo

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