- Steve Morgan Training

Description: I am an independent educational technology consultant, teacher trainer and languages teacher. I'm now living in West Sussex after a teaching career spent in UK curriculum schools at home and abroad, most recently as Head of Technology for Learning at the British curriculum Tanglin Trust School in Singapore from 2011-2020. Since returning to the UK in 2020,  I have…

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Steve Morgan Training

If Technology for Learning is an area that your school is interested in developing, I would love to discuss how I might work with you, from broader discussions about digital strategy to delivering bespoke training across a range of curriculum areas. I’m based in West Sussex and am a certified Microsoft and Apple Trainer. I can travel anywhere in the UK and, by staying close to your school, can offer up to a week of training and consultancy, allowing schools maximum flexibility in terms of timetabling leader

Since March 2022, I have been regularly supporting staff and leadership at Stamford School , visiting regularly for a week at a time and working with the Girls, Boys and Junior Schools on the practical benefits of Microsoft OneNote, ChatGPT and other tools for productivity, accessibility and engagement.