- Steve Campbell Creations – Sharing my writing, books, and art.

Description: Sharing my writing, books, and art.

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A place to share my writing and art.

Today, I’m celebrating the one-year birthday of this blog. That doesn’t mean I’m new to blogging. I’ve been doing it since 1993, posting my writing and artwork for thirty years at webhosts such as popular-at-the-time GeoCities and MySpace, to name two. I moved to WordPress in January 2011 and posted, “Hi. I’m a wildlife and … Continue reading Doing Again What We Love

This little blog will turn one year old in a few days, so I’d like to look back at some of my favorite posts. Almost all of them are about my artwork, which makes sense since I’ve always been an artist first and foremost. My earliest memories are crayon drawings and fingerpainting with my mom … Continue reading A Look Back

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