- Steroids - Steroids .org

Description: Detailed information on all aspects of steroids and how they are used. Learn everything about anabolic steroids from one of the most trusted and informed websites online.

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We are confident you will find the wealth of information provided to be invaluable in your pursuit to understand these powerful and often misunderstood anabolic hormones. We have provided numerous tools and information that will answer a host of questions. We will explain exactly what anabolic steroids are, how and why they are used, the effects of a positive and negative nature and so much more. We will show you how side effects can be managed, how they can be avoided and even delve into information that s

These are common questions many have, and often those who believe they have the answer could not be more misinformed. Synthetic in nature, these are not foreign substances to the body but merely synthetic hormones that the human body already produces. It is common for anabolic steroids to be grouped with recreational drugs in certain circles of discussion, but we will find the two groups share nothing in common. We will also find anabolic steroids are nothing new. In fact, the first batches of testosterone

It is a common misconception that steroid users are primarily low life athletes and violent bodybuilders who live on the fringe of society. This is the common perception and is evident by the media reports and by the way steroid users are portrayed in movies and on TV. These individuals are often viewed as highly immoral, selfish and often violent people, and commonly athletes looking for heir big break no matter the cost. However, the reality is far from the common perception. The vast majority of steroid

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