- Stephanie Wang

Example domain paragraphs

Hello! I am an incoming assistant professor in computer science at the University of Washington , starting in fall 2024. If you are interested in distributed systems, systems for machine learning and data processing, programming languages, and/or how these topics fit together, please apply to the Allen School at UW and mention my name in your application.

My research is primarily in distributed systems. I'm especially interested in how we can build intermediate abstractions that make it easier to build high-performance, fault-tolerant, and domain-specific systems . Along those lines, I'm interested in domains where large-scale application development is still pretty hard, such as machine learning and data processing. I'm also interested in programming languages as the interface that can improve distributed systems.

Previously, I was a PhD student in the RISELab at UC Berkeley , where I was advised by Ion Stoica . I am also a co-creator and committer for the open-source project, Ray , which has been used to train ChatGPT , serve high-performance LLMs , and break the CloudSort 100TB record . At the moment, I'm continuing to develop the Ray ecosystem as a software engineer at Anyscale , working primarily on Ray Data , a system for distributed data preprocessing for ML, and some new things (ask me what!).

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