- St. Claire Art

Description: St. Claire Art | Stephen St. Claire is an Asheville, NC artist who uses the the reflection of light to produce stunning landscape and abstract oil paintings. | River Arts District | Asheville, NC

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My oil painting technique is called Dialuminism  (\u201Dlight passing through\u201D) and embeds metal leaf and oil paint within layers of solar protective resins. The light plays off some areas and casts shadows beneath others, creating a dimensional painting that changes in appearance depending upon where the viewer is standing in relation to the light source.

St. Claire Art | Stephen St. Claire is an Asheville, NC oil paint artist who uses the the reflection of light to produce stunning landscape and abstract oil paintings. | River Arts District | Asheville, NC

Browse the portfolio (below), learn about the process , and if you’d like a bit of personal musing, check out the blog .