Description: Gathering statistics on JavaScript projects since 2015

Example domain paragraphs

The table shows statistics and a ranking of the 10k most popular JavaScript projects on GitHub. The normalized values are calculated by the given number of stars and forks of a project.

This page was generated 2017-10-27 12:38:56 +0000 and will be recreated by a cron job three times a day with the most recent data (also available for download as JSON or CSV ). You can use the column headers to sort the table and toggle the display of changes in the ranking for a particular timeframe. And if you are looking for a certain project you can just use the search form.

Important: This is not a usage-statistic and does not necessarily reflect what you will find in the wild. And keep in mind that the first column shows an "eternal rank" - focus on DAY , WEEK , and MONTH if you want to see what is trending!