- Legislative, Regulatory, and Local Ordinance Tracking Services

Description: StateScape: Legislative, Regulatory, and Local monitoring services designed for government affairs professionals. Highest accuracy rate in the industry.

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Legislative & Regulatory TRACKING MADE EASY SCHEDULE A CALL BECAUSE WE UNDERSTAND Real analysis requires a multifaceted approach Utilizing the best in natural language processing and AI technology is a great first step for your search, but what about really diving into highly detailed subject matter? StateScape goes beyond by giving you access to a professional research staff that thoroughly reads and categorizes each proposal so that only the most relevant items are included in your reports.

LEARN MORE Your subject scope should be tailored to you Most tracking firms try to define your subject interests by “keywords” because they simply don’t grasp the complexity of your issues. We provide our clients with tailored subject descriptions that are written to capture those details that others can’t.

LEARN MORE Speed and accuracy are equally important We live in a fast-paced world where every minute counts, but what good is information if it’s not accurate? Not only do we provide legislative and regulatory updates within minutes to hours of their public posting, we also maintain an accuracy rate that is at or above 99% so that our clients never have to worry about missing a bill, regulation, or local action that could be vital.

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