- starakin | Meeting at the boundary of community, therapy and the arts.

Description: Meeting at the boundary of community, therapy and the arts.

Example domain paragraphs

I sit on the stair case of a local church, whilst two steps down, a mother helps her young son read a storybook. Three primary school age girls run up the stairs to the church, then tiptoe inside, whispering and quietly giggling. Their mother calls them, and threatens with: ‘come down or I’ll start counting!’ On the pavement below, two boys and a girl run up the side of the church, whilst some 9 mothers mull around chatting. I check my watch, it’s nearly time, then notice the little boy is looking back at m

As human beings, we are wired to need human connections to feel well, alive, have a sense of joy and be curious in the world we live in.   Fulfilling human connections help us feel loved, wanted, cared for, that we belong and are supported when in need. As adults, if we are well adjusted, we will often know when we need help, and how to reach out to enable ourselves to feel better. This may be as simple as noticing I feel tired, and being able to take a moment to rest.   Sometimes, we aren’t able to reach o

The above is a longer version of a tweet I drafted, then discarded.