- StandUpForLouis - and prevent a tragedy | DVT: know the symptoms

Description: StandUpForLouis | Our son, Louis, died suddenly and tragically on 3rd June 2020 at the young age of 24 from something so easily preventable.

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Why StandUpForLouis? Like many, during the lockdown, Louis was furloughed from work and his lifestyle quickly changed. Told to ‘stay safe’ and stay indoors many of us became scared to go out. Louis took to his computer where he found comfort chatting to his mates online, watching Netflix and playing his games.  Doing no wrong, just filling in his time, waiting to return to work. Little did any of us know this would result in the most awful, devastating, night of our lives. Sitting for long periods, Louis ha

Louis was a fit, healthy young man who had visited the gym often after work. Unlike many of his age, he didn’t smoke, drink or do drugs. He did like to play on the computer but that doesn’t come with a health warning! Then, from the impact of the pandemic, this all ground to a halt, his routine totally disrupted. A victim to the lockdown; seated, safely at home, or so we believed. The sitting became a silent killer. If only Louis had stood up and got more exercise then the tragedy would have been prevented.

Stanley Greening – Father Lesley O’Neill – Mother