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If you are looking for an approach to apply recycled carbon fiber for cost reduction or ESG policy in production: “SSheng Applied r-Materials” will be your best partner!

“Carbon fiber” is a high-priced, high-energy consumption and high-performance raw material. However, the recycled carbon fiber material is not only affordable but also eco-friendly. SSheng focuses on the exploitation of recycled carbon fiber applications, using the most efficient, high quality, non-polluting and low cost recycling technology to produce high performance products. Our goal is to carry forward recycled carbon fiber and to save costs in supply chains and production process.

We are specialized in non-woven with carbon fiber. Whether it is a non-woven mat composed of 100% recycled carbon fiber or commingled with multiple thermoplastic fiber in different proportions, we can efficiently produce within the range of FAW 100~500gsm.

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